Childen's Words

"From talking to other kids whose parents are divorced and from kids in group therapy with me and other kids who got screwed over I have some suggestions:
1. They should get rid of lawyers. Lorraine... and James... really screwed up my life. They shouldn't allow lawyers In divorce court. And in Juvenile Court your lawyer should listen to you, and actually represent You.
2. Psych evals should be done by someone who has a brain instead of someone who is crazy and just in it for the money. The same for therapists. Dr. Newton and Glen Coming kept trying to pressure me into saying things that weren't true and making me feel a way I didn't feel about my dad.
3. The people in divorce court don't know what's good for kids. Kids know who they feel close to and who they want to take care of them. Most kids I've talked to hate joint custody. Even when kids have lived with both their parents their whole life there is usually one they feel closer to, and sometimes they don't like one parent because of a lot of different reasons. Kids should have a flexible visitation schedule and feel comfortable with the arrangements. Judges and parents should find out what the kids really want.
4. Social workers shouldn't embarrass kids at school. Kids who are victims of crimes shouldn't be the ones locked up and the ones to lose everything . When you've been molested you need your mom, your home, and your friends...