Laws in the States & Other Countries
BriefRetrieved from WWW 2007
This brief reflects discrepencies with basic laws which imply children have "rights" in some respects, but not in others, as well as their "rights" are inconsistently expressed amongst states. -
FloridaRetrieved from WWW 2007
This brief reflects discrepencies with basic laws which imply children have "rights" to be part of the decision as to if it's in their best interest to live with a grandparent or adoptive parent, but not a birth parent. Why should a child's civil rights be worth more or less based on who the live with when they are stating they are "afraid" of the caretaker? -
New YorkRetrieved from WWW 2007
This case law reflects discrepencies with basic laws which imply children have "rights" in some states to change their name, (but not in others). Why should a child's civil rights be worth more or less based on where they live? -
AustraliaRetrieved from WWW 2007
These reforms were done after Australia ratified and implemented the Children's Rights Treaty. America could learn a lot by looking at these reforms. Contact us for more specifics researched on states in America and other countries with and without CRC ratification. - Research available for all states and more countries. Contact us for more information.